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Terms and Conditions

Below is a list of terms and conditions just so that we are on the same page about your repair.

A black and white x in a square on a white background.

Data Loss

We're on a mission to protect your precious data like a knight defending a castle! But let’s be honest—if a dragon swoops in unexpectedly (you know, like a computer glitch), The Electronics Workshop can't be held responsible for any missing data treasures. So, if you value your files more than your last free snack at work, do yourself a favor and back up everything! Better safe than sorry, right?

A black and white clock with an arrow pointing to the right.

Time Frame

Because computer repairs are about as predictable as a cat at bath time, any estimated time of arrival we give you is more of a wild guess than a guarantee. Think of it like predicting the weather—sunny one minute, monsoon the next! So buckle up and prepare for a thrilling ride through the land of “I’ll be ready when I’m ready!”

A black and white icon of a sheet of paper with three lines on it.


We like to think of passwords as the secret handshakes of the digital world. However, if your password is playing hard to get and blocking us from fixing your unit, we might have to give it a little makeover! Don’t worry; if we change your password from “SuperSecret123” to “OopsIDidItAgain,” you’ll get the new one when you check out or when we need it. Just remember—no password is safe from our repair team’s sense of humor!

A black and white icon of a document organiser with a hole in the middle.


If you find yourself in a situation where you can’t fetch your item within six months of the booking date, The Electronics Workshop might just decide it’s time for a dramatic farewell and dispose of it. Think of it like a sad romantic comedy—your beloved item will be breaking up with you! And just to add a sprinkle of excitement, if you leave your treasures behind for more than a month, a storage fee of $5 a week will kick in. It’s like a rent-a-space program, but without the charming landlord! So, don’t leave your gadgets hanging—swing by and rescue them before they have to face the harsh reality of dumpster dating!

A black and white icon of a dollar sign and a plus sign.

Repair Limit

We’ve got your back for repairs up to $250—beyond that, we’re going to need a royal decree, complete with a crown and a marching band! If your bill starts resembling a phone number, we'll give you a shout. Otherwise, we'd have to start charging you by the hour for our award-winning puns! And trust us, those jokes really know how to add up!

A black and white icon of a book on a white background.

Bookin Fee

If you decide to give our repair suggestions the cold shoulder, we'll need to charge you a little something—a quote or booking fee of up to $121. Think of it as a cover charge to access our vast pool of repair wisdom! We’re just making sure that all that sage advice didn’t go to waste, you know? Otherwise, it's like throwing a party and nobody shows up!

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Contact us below or contact us at the shop, by phone or in person.

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